Equipment that is properly maintained helps farm firms prosper in a variety of ways.

For starters, well-maintained equipment is ready to use when you need it. Equipment failures at inconvenient times can severely interrupt agricultural operations, when timing can mean the difference between success and failure and the weather can be unpredictable.

Second, keeping machines in good working order can help them last longer and perform better than similarly faulty equipment. This frees up funds for additional initiatives while also improving the company’s performance and profitability.

Third, well-maintained equipment have a higher trade-in value, allowing farms to get high-quality new tools at a reduced cost.

Fourth, tools that are periodically fixed are far less likely to require substantial service – repairs that not only cost a lot of money but also, as previously stated, may lead you to pause or cease existing operations at the most inopportune time.

Fifth, and perhaps most importantly, a well-maintained piece of machinery is safer to operate. Machine operators and teams are at risk of injury due to mechanical failures, on-the-spot emergency modifications, or even dry debris stuck in a device that could ignite a fire.

The resource included, 13 Farm Equipment Maintenance Tips, is a helpful guide and a few reminders for keeping tractors, trucks, harvesters, cultivators, plows, and other agricultural machinery in good working order, whether they’ve been in the fields for a year or more.

13 Farm Equipment

Maintenance Tips from Schnell Industries