Whenever you think of shifting to a new place, you need to take all your necessary belongings along with you. And there is no doubt in saying that vehicles are also one of those basic necessities. So, you need to relocate your vehicle to your desired location. Though, it is quite possible to drive your own while moving but sometimes it’s not going to work as you might be busy with other shipment related concerns.
In this situation, anyone would like to hire a professional shipping service or individual licensed driver who will do the work on your behalf. People who want to make the vehicle shipping process budget-friendly would opt for appointing a well experienced professional driver to drive your car to the next location. Most of the time, transportation management solutions providers arrange well trained drivers as per your requirement. Or else you can also contact local automobile shops to arrange a reliable driver. Whatever the driver hunting process would be, the most important part is to check out the certain hired driver driving capability as well as his responsibility and liability towards his work and how he takes care of your vehicle during transportation.
Therefore, in this article we will try to focus on how to find a reliable driver who will take your vehicle to your stated location safely.
Hiring professional or nonprofessional drivers
When you think of shifting to a different place, the very first impulse is that you have to drive it yourself that might be really tiring. Transporting vehicles can be tough if you don’t find any reliable transport service to ship. However, other than open trailer shipping or enclosed shipment, there are several modes of transporting vehicles. Such as, you can hire certified experienced drivers to do the transportation. In case of vehicle transportation across the country or to cover not so long distance, you can avail this mode of shipping that would be budget friendly too. You can hire both professional or nonprofessional drivers according to your affordability and requirements. Hiring drivers can be helpful in other ways too as you can also travel to the same along with some of your goods while shifting.
If you don’t mind making your vehicle run some extra miles and also don’t want to leave the gear alone with unknown transporters, it is better to look for professional drivers online. There are several transport service companies available online that provide drivers according to your request. They first assess the duration of your total shipping period as well as the destination. Such travel agencies train their drivers to all possible aspects, so that the driver is able to help the customer in any circumstance. In driver’s terms this method is known as ‘driveaways’ where the drivers claim that this option is safer than trailer shipping or container shipping. This mode of shipping is really effective for short distance shipping and corporate shipping. Moreover, the hired company let you keep your belongings inside your vehicle and you can also travel in the car.
On the other hand, if you are really short of cash you can opt for individual freelancer drivers especially retirees or college students who want some extra and easy side gigs. These freelancers are individually licensed but not always connected to any shipper. So, do your homework before appointing such types of drivers as this method is riskier though the cheapest. It is recommended to hire a driver from a trustworthy source that you at least rely on for short distance vehicle transportation. Furthermore, make sure that you have made an insurance for your vehicle before handing it over to any newbie driver.
Qualities of a good driver
When you are planning to hire a driver to transport your vehicle, there are few qualifications for a good driver that must be checked before appointing one. Here are some of them listed below:
- The driver must be skilled enough to handle your vehicle in any situation.
- The driver must carry specialized insurance, so that you would be compensated in case of any mishap en route.
- A good driver should have adequate knowledge about all the road rules as well as the particular vehicle.
- The driver must be patient and alert while driving on a busy road.
- He must have proper mechanical skill, so that he can help if any mechanical problem arises in transit.
- The most important quality of a good driver is to be careful while handling your vehicle and taking good care of the same while driving.